Month: July 2017

  • Dealing With a Bout of "Oneitis"

    Currently, I'm afflicted by a case of "oneitis" — the state of being stuck on someone with no signs of becoming unstuck. It's awful, to say the least. I've become infatuated with this girl, and I'm thinking about her incessantly. I spend restless nights thinking about what she's doing or who she's with. Yes, it's that bad.

    To make matters worse, I'm her boss and she has kids. I see her every day, and I can't get enough of her bright eyes or beautiful smile. I know, it's so wrong.

    She's a friend of mine on social media, and recently she created a new Facebook account, adding all her old friends back ... except me. My friend request is still pending, and it's like a kick to the gut. With how debilitating this has been, it should be classified as a disease.

    I've not done anything creepy. I'm mad at myself for borderline ruining myself financially for this girl. I've bought her iPhones, given her money for car repairs, etc.

    I'm aware that I need to move on, but it's difficult when you work with and see someone every day.

  • Pretty for a Dark-Skinned Girl

    This post was submitted by TMA.

    If you want to enrage women, just utter the sentence, “You’re pretty for a dark-skinned girl.” Nothing says I’m an ignorant fool more than that statement. Ironically, people from all ethnicities and backgrounds make such silly claims; white guys, Hispanic women and surprisingly enough, black people. We live in a society where the image of beauty has been painstakingly contrived to convince us that black is ugly.

    Two things come to mind. Firstly, if you have never seen the doll test, please click the link and watch now. Secondly, the movie Malcolm X, where they go through the dictionary and compare the definitions of the words white and black. However, it’s not only dark-skinned women who must be submitted to such negativity, but other women too. Asian women are thought to be submissive, Hispanic women are crazy, and blond-haired white women are dumb, just to name a few.

    In such a patriarchal society, it’s no wonder that there are many sexist stereotypes, but why do we as a society allow ourselves to be duped into believing the nonsense that media spews? How can an educated person make such foolish statements and in what ways can we look into ourselves to remove such an ignorant mindset?  Continue reading

  • Who Gets to Keep the Pup?

    One of the biggest steps a couple can take is deciding to share their lives together and start a family. For most, this means having a baby (or two). But then there are some couples who need a smaller step towards this or they are just the type of people who do not want to have children. Instead, they might get a pet. Sharing the responsibilities of taking care of a pet mimics what it might be like to raise a child together.

    Clearly, there are some HUGE differences, but caring for a dog or cat may prepare a couple to have a baby. In some cases, it might even deter them from having children. Whatever the case may be, lots of couples choose to expand their family and further their relationship by owning a pet.

    This sounds like a great idea for couples because caring for a pet teaches you how to be more responsible, manage your money and time better and to care for another being that depends on you for all of their care. Plus, let's face it... pets are just so damn cute!

    Continue reading

  • Why Do Guys Treat Women Like They're Nothing?

    I figure since there are a lot of posts that get submitted like, "Why Do Women Do This or That," I'd make a post for the opposite gender.

    I can't tell you how many stories I've read where the guy treats the woman like she's nothing.  For example, this blog here.  Really, I was just appalled by that guy's behavior. Not only did he lie about cheating on her, he lied about getting someone else pregnant, and also tried to blame it on the woman and accused her of doing things, too. Continue reading

  • I Can't Handle Relationships

    I’m 22 and over the past five years I have dated five people, been on about 12 first dates, slept with four people and had my heart broken twice.  I was dumped over a month ago (after being with him for a year) and I am not feeling any better.  I’m not bothered that he dumped me; it’s just that I miss him. 

    He dumped me because I wasn’t affectionate enough and he thought I wasn’t ready to settle down.  Those are fair enough reasons and I guess wasn’t affectionate enough and I think it could be because he wasn’t the one for me, or maybe I’m just a bit of an Ice Queen?  I’m at a stage in my life where I’m starting to think about marriage and children and I wonder if I’ll ever be a wife or a mother.  I’m starting to think that I’m destined to be a crazy cat lady and in all honesty that would be easier than having my heart broken again.  Yeah I know time heals all wounds...I'll forget about him...he wasn't right for me.... Continue reading